Friday, 26 September 2008

Development of th trailer for itfs

I am working at my new film. It should be a trailer for the international animation festival in Stuttgart. There are some visual concepts...

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A trip to Ludwigsburg

once upon a time the old friends from North America and Europe have made a wonderful walk in the small nice town Ludwigsburg. Nobody would ever go there but it happens to be there the very successful Academy of Film. And that is why the 4 friends have made a trip to this unknown germane town. One nice student has taken the travel under her control. And here is a small foto session. See you later....

how beautiful it is...

Again e-mail, working hard on blackberry

The cake can wait...

At the Marketplatz in Ludwigsburg

At the best cake cafe in Ludwigsburg

Nice warm evening on the 7th of May

4 old friends

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Baba Yaga is

I am happy to announce that my funny short film Baba Yaga is ready!!!!! The presentation is on the 28th of February in Caligary cinema in Ludwigsburg. The production plan was very intensive, 4 month for everything, but also very productive. For the first time I have tried to make an animation with a classic storyline. It is also my first funny children animation. I am looking forward for the presentation in cinema.

Friday, 4 January 2008